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The Hegarty Mansion
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The Hegarty Family

   Pictured are Samuel and Josephine Hegarty circa 1865,  Builders of the Hegarty Mansion.  Samuel was born March 7th 1832 and died on April 1 1895 at 63 years of age.  Rachael Josephine Hegarty was born August 25 1831 and died January 1 1928 at 97 years of age.

    The Hegarty's had three sons, Wade Wellmore born December 12 1861, died May 17th 1943 at 77 years old, Allison Leslie born January 19 1860 and died in 1954 at 82 years old, and John Clair born February 2 1868 and died May 2 1945 at 77 years old.

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Family History

Hegarty Family Genealogy

Mansion History

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        The Hegarty Mansion Physical Address  -  3263 Crossroads Blvd., Beccaria, Pa. 16616       

        The Hegarty Mansion Mailing address:  - 3263 Crossroads Blvd. PO 76,  Smokerun, Pa. 16681


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